The Portuguese Tax Identification Number (NIF) is a unique identifier assigned to individuals and entities for tax purposes in Portugal. Whether you are a resident, non-resident, or a business entity operating in Portugal, it is essential for various financial transactions and legal obligations and you can get your NIF online.
When applying for a resident visa, you will need to meet several requirements. The NIF is the first step and the starting point in the process. It will allow you to get other requirements on the list such as open a bank account and rent a property.
Different requirements depending on where you are from:
– As a non EU citizen, you may be required to have a fiscal representative. The fiscal representative will act as the link between you and the Finanças (Tax Authority) and will be responsible for receiving all the official correspondence in your behalf and notify you to make sure your tax obligations are up to date.
PORTUGAL WIZARD will be your fiscal representative and you will obtain your NIF online and from the comfort of your home. It’s easy, convenient and it’s one less thing you need to worry about on the, sometimes, overwhelming process of moving. The process is easy and totally online.
Our services include the POA (Power of Attorney) required, and the access code to your private area in the Finanças (tax office) website with which you can manage all your fiscal obligations online. The fiscal representation will be valid for 1 year, in which you will have enough time to change you fiscal status according with your resident situation.